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Customer Experience / Guide

How to calculate NPS®: The ultimate guide on Net Promoter Score® (2024)

Net Promoter Score is a key indicator to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty to a company by asking a single question survey. Learn the definition and the science behind NPS. Learn how to ask an...
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Patient Experience / Guide

How to measure Patient Satisfaction?

In this article we explore all you need to know to start measuring patient satisfaction: the processes to follow, what to measure, and the channels for survey distribution.

Patient Experience / Guide

The importance of patient experience

We explain the growing importance of the patient experience in the healthcare context, and how it can improve the results of your treatments and the financial results of healthcare organizations.

Patient Experience / Guide

Patient Experience Definition

A summary of the recent literature about the patient experience definition.


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Customer Experience / Guide

The compact guide on Customer Effort Score (CES)

Customer Effort Score is a key indicator to ascertain customer loyalty by measuring the degree of effort that customer puts in. This will help you learn the definition of CES, the objectives, how to m...

Customer Experience / Guide

CSAT Score: The complete guide to Customer Satisfaction index (2024)

This guide will help you learn what a CSAT score is, how to ask for it and the several methods of calculation. It will give you guidelines about what a good CSAT score is and how to improve it.

Employee Experience / Guide

Employee satisfaction surveys: Integrate and automate the job pulse

Happy workers have higher productivity and they help bring the organization together. Self-fulfillment at work is as essential component as salary, and the secret to a successful organization is often...

Customer Experience / Guide

Do you know what is the technology behind RateNow antiviral film screens?

What is the technology behind the antiviral effect of RateNow displays and how does it work? In this post we tell you the technical information provided by Hexis and we explain the operation of the Pu...

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